Amazing Benefits of Drinking Water in the Morning at Empty Stomach

3 min readJul 18, 2023


It's common habit to drink water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach because of its alleged health advantages. Some of these advantages are backed by research, but others are anecdotal and may differ from person to person. The following are some potential advantages of consuming water first thing in the morning:

Drinking water

1.Hydration: Your body continues to function normally while you sleep, losing water through breathing, sweating, and urination. By replenishing this lost fluid in the morning, you can avoid dehydration and keep your body functioning at its best all day.

2.Metabolism boost: According to some research, consuming cold water can temporarily boost your resting metabolic rate by between 10 and 30 percent for up to an hour. This is due to the energy your body uses to warm the chilly water to body temperature. Even while the effect is little and only lasts a short while, over time, every little bit can help to slightly increase daily calorie burn.


3.Flushes out toxins: Water is crucial for your kidneys to work properly because it removes toxins and waste from the bloodstream, allowing them to be excreted in urine. Drinking enough water helps your body’s natural detoxifying processes.

4.Supports bowel movements: Water can stimulate the digestive system and encourage peristalsis, the muscular contractions that move food and waste through the digestive system. This can happen when you drink water on an empty stomach. Constipation can be avoided and regular bowel movements can be maintained by doing this.

5.Aids in nutrient absorption: Water is essential for the digestive process since it aids in food digestion and nutrient absorption. It aids in dissolving nutrients, making them easier for the body to absorb.


6.Improves cognitive function: Even slight dehydration can affect how well the brain works, causing focus, attentiveness, and short-term memory to decline. You can improve your overall cognitive function and mental acuity by rehydrating in the morning.

7.Boosts the immune system: The lymphatic system, which is in charge of transporting immune cells throughout the body, is supported by adequate hydration. This supports the immune system’s effective operation and helps it fight off diseases and infections.

8.Promotes healthier skin: Water aids in preserving the moisture of the skin, increasing its suppleness and elasticity. Keeping hydrated can also help the skin remove toxins, which lowers the chance of acne and fosters a better complexion.

9.Alleviates bad breath: Dehydration-related dry mouth can cause bad breath because less saliva is produced. For cleaner breath, drinking water can help wipe away bacteria and food particles in the mouth.

Healthy Habits

10.Promotes overall well-being: A healthy habit and mindset toward health and wellbeing can be developed by drinking water first thing in the morning. Starting your day by hydrating your body sets the tone for other good decisions you’ll make throughout the day.

Keep in mind that these advantages work best when accompanied with an all-around healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet, frequent exercise, and enough sleep. While drinking water first thing in the morning can be beneficial, it's equally important to stay properly hydrated throughout the rest of the day. You should pay attention to your body and modify your water intake based on how you feel.

For individualized guidance if you have any particular health issues, speak with a healthcare practitioner.



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